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The Sanskrit word “Matsya” means “fish”.We can swim in the river like a fish doing this Asan.Therefore, the name Matsyasan.
Steps :
arwSit on the carpet; fold the both legs together like padmasan, Ardha Padmasana orSukasana.
arwThrusting hands on the carpet and slowly lies down.
arwPlace the palms next to ears, towards the shoulder blade.
arwPress palms and waist, raise the trunk and head. Then place the crown of the head onthe floor.
arwPlace both the hands on the thighs and relax the elbow on the floor. If possible hold the toe with the fingers.
arwNow the crown of head and lower body on the floor making an arc shape on the back. Maintain the pose at least 50 or 100 counts.
arwRelease the fingers, thrust the palms on the floor and raise the head and shoulder blade, rest them on the floor. Unfold the legs, straighten them and do savasana.
Benefits :
arwSpinal Cord and back muscle tissues gets refreshed.
arwIt helps to cure asthma and respiratory disorders.
arwHeadache caused by stiffness of neck can be cured easily.
arwPracticing this yoga pose regularly helps to cure impotency.
arwIt is an alternate yoga pose for sarvangasana.
arwStiffness caused by the practice of sarvangasana and halasana can be warded off by practicing matsyasana.
arwIt helps to stop bleeding hemorrhoids.
arwPracticing this yoga pose with drink water early morning helps to relieve from constipation.
arwIf a person suffers neck pain lumbago and spondylosis practice this pose daily using pillows, their pains and agony get suppressed and disappear. This Yoga pose is equal to traction therapy.
arwI recommended this pose for professional bloggers, IT field people, official workers, persons those who travel a long distance in motor cycle or bus.
In this Asan, the feet are held with the hands.Therefore this Asan is called Pada-Hastasan.
Steps :
arwStanding with your feet together, exhale and bend forward at the hips, keeping your arms extended throughout the movement, finishing with your upper torso and arms hanging straight downward.
arwInhale slowly, draw the head and neck forward (look up) and lengthen the spine.
arwExhale again and relax the head, neck and spine downwards, fixing your fingers and palms firmly under your toes and the balls of your feet into the complete padahastasana.
Also try to hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds in the beginning, increasing the duration over time.
To come out of the posture, release your hands from beneath the feet, straighten your arms, inhale and slowly come back up into tala asana, with the arms again extended high overhead.
Exhale, slowly lower the hands back down and relax in sama sthiti asana(normal pose).
It is imperative that the legs remain straight and should not bend at knees within this posture. As many suffer from a great deal of inflexibility in the legs, back and hips, this can be a very difficult posture in the beginning. You may rest your hands gently upon your ankles or thighs, or as far as you are able to stretch downwards without bending your knees, and gradually with practice attain the full pose.
Benefits :
arwThe toning of the abdominal organs
arwConditions of bloating of the abdomen, constipation, indigestion and other gastric troubles can be greatly alleviated
arwHelps to relieve sciatica
arwThe spine is made resilient, straight and flexible
arwCirculation of the blood throughout the body is improved
arwThe muscles of the back are stretched and energized, making one feel invigorated afterwards
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Wednesday 25 June, 2014
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